The Effect of Different Organic Fertilizers in Various Compactness Levels on the Amount of Some Nutrients of Sport Lawn in spring
Sport Lawn, Organic Fertilizer, Compactness, NutrientsAbstract
Lawn has an incredible role in designing and construction of landscape areas and lawn bed provides aeration, moisture and nutrients, which is essential for having an acceptance lawn, so the role of organic matter and degree of soil compactness need to be studied. In the current study, the effect of some bed mixtures including Leaf Mold (LM), Rice Husk (RH), manure, Spent Mushroom Compost (SMC), a mixture of LM, RH and SMC (mixture 1), a mixture of LM, RH and manure (mixture 2), with the ratio of 1:1:1 and control (no fertilizer), also the effect of some different soil compactness (roller weights of 36, 56 and 76 kilograms) on the content of some nutrients of sport lawn in spring season were investigated. Hence, an experiment was conducted as the strip plot design in three replications, in research farm of Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources during 2008-09. According to the results of this study, interaction of fertilizer and soil compactness was significant for most measured factors so that treatments containing manure showed the most nitrogen content in all three compactness levels. As well, in all three compactness levels, the high phosphorus content of plant was also found in manure treatment and the lowest in control and LM. Furthermore, manure, SMC, and treatments containing these two organic fertilizers showed increased potassium of plant toward control and LM.
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