Article Correction, Retraction and Withdrawal Policy

Advances in BioScience (ISSN 2583-0058) is committed to maintaining the integrity of the scientific record and publishing high-quality research. The journal follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) [] guidelines for article correction, retraction, and withdrawal. This policy outlines procedures for handling errors in published articles and the circumstances under which articles may be corrected, retracted, or withdrawn.

Article Correction

There are three main categories of corrections that may be published:

  • Errata: These are errors introduced during the production process, such as typos, formatting issues, or missing information. Errata are typically minor and do not affect the scientific conclusions of the article.
  • Corrigenda: These are errors made by the authors that are significant enough to require correction but do not call into question the overall validity of the research. Examples include incorrect data entries, minor methodological flaws, or errors in calculations.
  • Addendum: This is used to add new information that was not included in the original article but is relevant to the research.

Procedure for Correction

  • Authors are encouraged to immediately notify the journal of any errors in their published article. Likewise, readers are requested to report possible errors by contacting the journal editor.
  • The Editor-in-Chief will determine the appropriate type of correction based on the nature of the error.
  • Corrections will be published online with a clear link to the original article and will also be included in future print editions.

Article Retraction

Retraction is a serious action that is only taken when the integrity of the published work is severely compromised. Reasons for retraction may include:

  • Falsification or fabrication of data.
  • Plagiarism or copyright infringement.
  • Serious methodological flaws that invalidate the conclusions.
  • Ethical misconduct during research.
  • Duplicate publication.

Procedure for Retraction

  • Retraction can be initiated by the journal editors, authors, or a third party bringing forward evidence of misconduct.
  • The Editor-in-Chief will investigate the allegations and consult with the editorial board.
  • If retraction is deemed necessary, a retraction notice will be published online with a clear link to the original article. The notice will explain the reason for retraction and may include a statement from the authors.
  • The original article will remain accessible online but will be clearly marked as retracted.
  • Authors will be informed of the retraction decision and given the opportunity to respond.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Pre-Publication Withdrawal

Authors may withdraw their manuscript before the editor reaches a final decision (accept or reject). In such cases, authors are encouraged to immediately notify the editor via email. No withdrawal fee will be charged.

Post-Publication Withdrawal (After Acceptance but Before Publication Online)

Authors may request to withdraw their manuscript after acceptance but before it is published online. However, the following conditions apply:

  • Justification: Authors must provide a compelling reason for withdrawal, such as the discovery of a significant error that requires substantial revision, the decision to republish the work in another journal with a different focus, and legal or ethical concerns that arise after acceptance.
  • Editorial Review: The editor will review the request and the justification provided. The editor may consult with reviewers to determine if the reasons warrant withdrawal.
  • Withdrawal Fee: A withdrawal fee of 50% of the APC will be charged to cover editorial processing costs incurred during the review process.

The withdrawal fee is intended to discourage frivolous withdrawal requests and to compensate the journal for the resources already invested in processing the article. It ensures that authors carefully consider the decision to withdraw and minimizes disruption to the publication process.

Post-Publication Online Withdrawal (After Publication Online)

Withdrawal of a manuscript after it is already published online is a serious matter and will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. These may include:

  • Serious misconduct: Fabrication or falsification of data.
  • Ethical violations: Major ethical concerns discovered during data collection or analysis.
  • Duplicate publication: Accidental or intentional duplicate publication of the same work.

Process for Post-Publication Online Withdrawal

  • The editor will initiate an investigation into the reported issue.
  • If withdrawal is deemed necessary, a retraction notice will be published online, clearly stating the reason for withdrawal and linked to the original article.
  • The original article will remain accessible online, marked as retracted.
  • Authors consent will be sought, but the editor's decision is final. 


The journal will maintain confidentiality throughout the investigation process, except in cases where public disclosure is required or legal action is necessary.


Authors may appeal a decision regarding retraction, and withdrawal by contacting the Editor-in-Chief.

If you have any questions regarding this policy or need to discuss a potential withdrawal, please contact the Editorial Office at