Aims and Scope

Advances in BioScience (ISSN 2583-0058) is a quarterly, open-access, peer-reviewed journal published by the Society of Open Science that bridges the gap between scientific exploration and innovation in the field of biological sciences. We are committed to disseminating high-quality research that pushes the frontiers of the field, and providing a platform for knowledge exchange and broadening the collective understanding of the field among researchers, academicians, students and professionals.

Aim of Advances in BioScience (ISSN 2583-0058)

  • Promote Innovative Research: Our primary aim is to foster and promote innovative research in the field of biological sciences. We are committed to providing a platform for researchers, scientists, and academicians to share their findings with the global scientific community.
  • Broaden Scientific Understanding: We aim to enhance scientific understanding by publishing high-quality research articles, reviews, perspectives, opinions, and short communications that contribute to expanding our knowledge of biological sciences.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: With the goal of encouraging interdisciplinary research, recognizing that breakthroughs often occur at the intersection of disciplines, our journal welcomes submissions that integrate multiple fields of biological sciences, fostering collaboration and exploration across diverse scientific domains.
  • Open Access: As an online journal, we are committed to the principles of open access. Our aim is to ensure that scientific research is accessible to all, thereby promoting knowledge dissemination and public engagement with science.
  • Peer Review Integrity: Upholding the highest standards of peer review, our rigorous review process ensures that all published articles are scientifically sound and contribute to the advancement of biological sciences.
  • Global Reach: With our digital platform, we aim to reach a global audience, fostering international collaboration and dialogue in the biological sciences.

Scope of Advances in BioScience (ISSN 2583-0058)

The scope of Advances in BioScience is broad and inclusive, reflecting the multifaceted nature of biological sciences. Submissions are welcome from a wide range of biological disciplines, including, but not limited to:

  • Molecular Biology: Delving into the fundamental building blocks of life, from genes and proteins to DNA and RNA.
  • Cell Biology: Unveiling the inner workings of life's basic units, from cell membranes and organelles to cellular processes like division and communication.
  • Genetics: Exploring the blueprint of life, deciphering the role of genes in heredity, development, and disease.
  • Biochemistry: Understanding the chemical reactions that underpin life, from enzyme function to metabolic pathways.
  • Microbiology: Unraveling the secrets of the microscopic world, from bacteria and archaea to viruses and fungi.
  • Ecology: Studying the intricate relationships between organisms and their environment, from ecosystems and biodiversity to conservation and sustainability.
  • Evolution: Tracing the history of life and understanding the forces that have shaped the diversity of species on Earth.
  • Biomedicine: Translating biological knowledge into medical advancements, tackling diseases, developing new therapies, and improving human health.
  • Biotechnology: Harnessing the power of living organisms and biological processes for technological applications, including biofuels, bioremediation, and genetic engineering.
  • Environmental Science: Investigating the interactions between biological systems and the environment, addressing challenges like climate change, pollution, and resource management.
  • Marine Biology: Exploring the vast and diverse underwater world, unraveling the mysteries of marine organisms and ecosystems.
  • Plant Biology: Uncovering the secrets of the plant kingdom, understanding plant growth, development, and their vital role in the biosphere.
  • Animal Science: Studying the biology and behavior of animals, from physiology and development to animal health and conservation.
  • Agriculture: Applying biological knowledge to improve agricultural practices, ensuring food security and sustainable food production.

Types of Articles

Each type of article accepted by "Advances in BioScience" plays a unique role in contributing to the journal's mission of advancing research and knowledge in the biological sciences. Authors are encouraged to select the article type that best aligns with the nature of their contribution.

  • Research Articles: Research articles are comprehensive reports of original scientific research. They present new findings, methodologies, and insights into various aspects of biological sciences. These articles contribute new knowledge to the field of biological sciences by reporting on experimental or observational studies.
  • Review Articles: Review articles provide comprehensive summaries and analyses of existing research literature on specific topics within biological sciences. They offer insights into the current state of knowledge, identify gaps or controversies, and suggest future research directions. Review articles help researchers and practitioners stay informed about recent advancements and trends in their field.
  • Perspectives/Opinions: Perspectives or opinion articles present personal viewpoints or expert opinions on emerging trends, controversies, or critical issues in biological sciences. These articles contribute to the ongoing scientific discourse, providing diverse perspectives and stimulating intellectual discussion within the scientific community.
  • Short Communications: Short communications are concise research reports that present significant findings or preliminary results of studies. They provide a brief overview of the research question, methodology, key results, and conclusions. Short communications are ideal for reporting novel discoveries or observations that may not require a full-length research article.
  • Case Studies: Case studies involve in-depth examinations of specific biological phenomena, organisms, or experimental approaches. They provide detailed analyses of unique cases or events, offering insights into underlying mechanisms, processes, or implications. Case studies contribute valuable evidence and examples to support scientific theories or hypotheses.

We particularly welcome submissions that:

  • Report novel findings that significantly advance biological knowledge.
  • Offer new methodological or technological advances in the field.
  • Integrate and explore interdisciplinary approaches to biological problems.
  • Present significant theoretical or conceptual frameworks.
  • Have the potential for broad scientific impact.

Enquiries and submissions for publication

All inquiries concerning the editorial policies and manuscript submissions should be addressed to the editor at