Light-trap Catch of Harmful Microlepidoptera Species in Connection with Polarized Moonlight and Collecting Distance
Microlepidoptera, Light-Trap, Moon Phases, Polarized Moonlight, Catching DistanceAbstract
The paper deals with light-trap catch of 25 Microlepidoptera species depending on the polarized moonlight and collecting distance. The catching data were chosen from the 27 stations of the Hungarian National Light-trap Network and from the years between 1959 and 1961. Relative catch values were calculated from the catching data per stations and swarming. They are ranged and averaged in the phase angle divisions. The catching peak of ten species is in First Quarter, another ten species have the peak in the First Quarter and Last one, and only in two cases, the peak is in Last Quarter. Then there is the maximum ratio of polarized moonlight. Catching peak of only three species is in connection with the collecting distance when is the greatest of collection distance.
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