Influence of Daily Temperature Ranges on the Light Trapped Number of Macrolepidoptera Individuals and Species


  • L. Nowinszky University of West Hungary, H-9700-Szombathely, Károlyi Gáspár Square 4, Hungary, Europe.
  • J. Puskás University of West Hungary, H-9700-Szombathely, Károlyi Gáspár Square 4, Hungary, Europe.


Macrolepidoptera, light-trap, temperature ranges


The Hungarian Forest Research Institute operated a Jermy-type light-trap in the Kámon Botanic Garden, Szombathely (47°15'20"N; 16°36'25"E) between 1962 and 1970.

As the insects are poikilotherm creatures, therefore it is understandable; their body temperature is always the same as the temperature of the environment. It can be assumed, therefore, the temperature ranges, can ​​influence the flight activity of nocturnal Macrolepidoptera individuals and species, so we made this investigation. Different species are swarming in various aspects and the temperature is also different.

Therefore, we processed separately the captured data of species and individuals in spring-, early- and late summer-, and autumn aspects, in connection with daily minimum temperature. The results were plotted and the correlations and their level of significance were determined.

Our results demonstrate that all aspects on low temperature minima both the number of caught species and individuals are low. In contrast, a higher minimum value ​​of specimens was taken and the rising number of those species is caught. The relationship is linear or exponential function characterized.


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How to Cite

Nowinszky, L., & Puskás, J. (2013). Influence of Daily Temperature Ranges on the Light Trapped Number of Macrolepidoptera Individuals and Species. Advances in BioScience, 4(2), 55–59. Retrieved from


