Influence of Ozone content on Light Trapped Trichoptera Species in Central Europe


  • L. Nowinszky University of West Hungary, Savaria University Centre, H-9700, Szombathely Károlyi G. Square 4, Hungary, Europe.
  • O. Kiss Eszterházy Károly College, Department of Zoology, H-3300 Eger Eszterházy Square 1, Hungary, Europe.
  • J. Puskás University of West Hungary, Savaria University Centre, H-9700, Szombathely Károlyi G. Square 4, Hungary, Europe.


Caddisflies, Ozone, Light-Trap


The study deals with the connection between ozone content of air and light trap catch of ten Caddisflies (Trichoptera) species from a Jermy-type light-trap. Five species were collected in connection with the increasing the high values of the ozone content, but decrease were observed in case of four species. The results can be written down with second- or third-degree polynomials. Our results proved that the daily catches were significantly modified by the ozone content of air, expressing the different lengths and intensities of the ozone content. The different form of behaviour, however, is not linked to the taxonomic position. Further testing will be required for fuller explanation of the results.


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How to Cite

Nowinszky, L., Kiss, O., & Puskás, J. (2014). Influence of Ozone content on Light Trapped Trichoptera Species in Central Europe. Advances in BioScience, 5(3), 66–70. Retrieved from


