Assessment of Physicochemical Properties of Flash from TISCO Power Plant, Jamadoba, Jharia Coalfields, Jharkhand, India
Coal, Fly ash, Bulk density, Organic carbon, Cation exchange capacityAbstract
This paper deals with some selected physicochemical properties of fly ash collected from a TISCO power plant at Jamadoba, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India. The physical properties such as bulk density, moisture content, specific gravity, porosity water holding capacity and grain size distribution (sand, silt, clay) were measured, being 0.94gm/cc, 0.73%, 1.84%, 60.25% 76.55% and sand 63.3%, silt 32.6%, clay 2.6% respectively. The chemical properties included in this study were pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon, cation exchange capacity and available nitrogen. The aim of the present study is to assess the suitability of fly ash of TISCO power plant at vegetation purposes in the low lying areas or degraded land. These physicochemical properties are of also great importance in the backfilling of opencast mines, plantation and reclamation of the abandoned opencast project.
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