Description of Reproductive System of Indian Water Scorpion, Laccotrephes maculatus Fabr. (Hemiptera, Heteroptera: Nepidae)


  • Babita Khandelwal Department of Zoology, BSA Collage, Mathura-281004, U.P., India.
  • Y. C. Gupta Department of Zoology, BSA Collage, Mathura-281004, U.P., India.
  • Kanhiya Mahour Experimental Laboratory, Department of Zoology, R.P.P.G. College, Kamalganj, Farrukhabad-209724, U.P., India.


Testis, Vas efferens, Seminal vesicle, Ductus ejaculatorius, Ovaries, Ovarioles, Terminal filament


Water scorpion, Laccotrephes maculatus Fabr. is unisexual and exhibits sexual dimorphism. The males are relatively smaller with conspicuous connexival spines and possess distinct external genitalia. The male reproductive organs include a pair of testis, a pair of vasa deferentia, a pair of vesicula seminalis, two pairs of accessory glands and unpaired median ductus ejaculatorious. The female reproductive organs possess a pair of ovaries, a pair of lateral oviducts, a common oviductus communis, a vagina and the spermatotheca.


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How to Cite

Khandelwal, B., Gupta, Y. C., & Mahour, K. (2019). Description of Reproductive System of Indian Water Scorpion, Laccotrephes maculatus Fabr. (Hemiptera, Heteroptera: Nepidae). Advances in BioScience, 10(3), 52–64. Retrieved from




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