Description of copulatory complex in relation to taxonomy in Gerridae


  • Jagvir Singh Department of Zoology, B.S.A. College, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281004, India.
  • Y. C. Gupta Department of Zoology, B.S.A. College, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh 281004, India.
  • H. N. Sharma Department of Environmental Toxicology, School of Life Sciences, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra-282002, India.


Gerrids, Pygophore, Valvulae, Parameres, Phallotheca, Connexival spines, Suranal plate


The family Gerridae is represented in India by 67 species (of which 4 are undescribed species and only known by the nymphs) belonging to 20 genera and representing 7 subfamilies (10 new species are described in the present work). The subfamily Charmatometrinae is not represented in India. The Gerrids or water striders are well known aquatic insects and they are the most interesting and fascinating among all insects of the tropics and subtropics. They skate, skip, glide or literally walk upon the surface of the water. The relation of copulatory complex with taxonomy is described in this research article.


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How to Cite

Singh, J., Gupta, Y. C., & Sharma, H. N. (2017). Description of copulatory complex in relation to taxonomy in Gerridae. Advances in BioScience, 8(2), 44–49. Retrieved from


