Investigation on Ethnomedicinal Plants of District Firozabad


  • Kalpana Singh Department of Botany, BSA College, Mathura (U.P.)-281001, India.
  • Sweety Gupta Department of Botany, BSA College, Mathura (U.P.)-281001, India.
  • P. K. Mathur Department of Botany, BSA College, Mathura (U.P.)-281001, India.


Ethnomedicinal, Firozabad, Aegle marmelos, Allium cepa, Ethnobotanical


A survey in Firozabad District has been done for documented ethnomedicinal plants. About 71 plants have reported in this manuscript which is used for various diseases. This manuscript is very useful for those who work with herbal plants.


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How to Cite

Singh, K., Gupta, S., & Mathur, P. K. (2010). Investigation on Ethnomedicinal Plants of District Firozabad. Advances in BioScience, 1(1), 64–66. Retrieved from


