Evaluation of some Hydrobiological parameters in river Asan in Morena district


  • Anand Kumar Deshpande Department of Zoology, Raja Balwant Singh College, Agra-282002, U.P., India.
  • R. K. Verma Department of Zoology, Raja Balbant Singh College, Agra-282002, U.P., India.


pH, Temperature, Water flow measurement, Turbidity, Colour, Odour


Industrialization, urbanization, population explosion and green revolution have deteriorated the various sources of water. The industrial effluents, sewage and polluted water from other sources when discharged into any stream or river not only cause pollution but drastically disturb the fauna & flora. The same is true for Asan River flowing in Madhya Pradesh. It, therefore, becomes a must to assess water quality of Asan at the downstream site (D) and upstream site (A) throughout its entire length in Morena district. It was since the beginning of 1970's that environmental pollution became a serious problem in India. Because of the rapid increase of population and concentration of factories around the coastal region of Asan. Significant alterations in hydrobiological parameters were observed.


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How to Cite

Deshpande, A. K., & Verma, R. K. (2015). Evaluation of some Hydrobiological parameters in river Asan in Morena district. Advances in BioScience, 6(1), 6–11. Retrieved from https://journals.sospublication.co.in/ab/article/view/177


