Parasitic Protozoans in Some Edible Freshwater Fishes of River Asan, District Morena
Myxobolus, Pathological effect, Sporozoans, Channa striatus, Clarias batrachus, ParasitesAbstract
In the present thesis, an effort has been made to study the various species of Myxobolus in freshwater fishes. Total 695 fishes belonging to different genera and 8 species are investigated for this purpose. Nine species of Myxobolus have been described. Their incidence, Morphology, and taxonomy are studied and compared. An attempt has been made to study the pathological effects of parasites on different organs viz. skin, muscles and gills. Effect of parasites on the growth of fishes is also noticed. Infection in muscles is caused by Myxobolus cultus, Myxobolus dujardini, Myxobolus cycloid, Myxobolus oviforme, Myxobolus cognati, Myxobolus ellipsoideus, Myxobolus cerebralis. The infection in Muscles is reported in Channa striatus, Clarias batrachus, Heteropneustes fossilis, Labeo rohita, Catla catla, Cirrhinus mrigala and Wallago attu. Gills are infected by Myxobolus oviforme in Clarias batrachus. Myxosporidian infection is noticed in gill lamellae only. Skin and muscles are infected by Myxobolus oviforme in Clarias batrachus and the infection is reported in melanophores. Calcification is reported in gills only while necrosis is only noticed in the skin.
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