Assessment of variation in carbon pool in Bamboo plantation and managed Agricultural system


  • Kavita Tariyal Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, THDC Institute of Hydropower Engineering & Technology Bhagirthipuram, Tehri Garhwal-249001, Uttarakhand, India.


Bambusa balcooa, Bambusa nutans, Biomass carbon stock, Carbon pool, Carbon sequestration, Crop rotation, Litter decomposition


The present study was conducted to quantify the carbon pool in two different vegetation systems, i.e. bamboo plantation and agricultural fields in the Tarai belt of Uttarakhand, India during 2011-13. Two bamboo plantation sites viz. Bambusa balcooa, Bambusa nutans, and two agricultural sites viz. C12, D7 were studied. The major parameters of the study involved litter decomposition study, carbon stocks in vegetation and soil, and carbon sequestration potential. The soil organic carbon stocks under the study sites B. balcooa, B. nutans, C12, and D7 were 65.40, 57.28, 37.48 and 36.32 t ha-1 respectively. Hence, the highest carbon sequestration potential was observed for B. balcooa plantation soil. The decomposition and nutrient dynamics in the decomposing leaves of the plantation were studied and regression equations were developed. In agricultural sites where crop rotation was main management practice applied, plant biomass carbon stock and soil carbon stock were estimated. In both sites (C12 and D7), biomass carbon stock was found very significant (5.28 and 5.12 t ha-1). In all sites, total biomass production was highest in B. balcooa (479.13 t ha-1) and so biomass carbon stock was too (233.84 t ha-1). Carbon sequestration potential was found more in biomass than in soil in the case of bamboo, but in agricultural sites, it was more in soil than biomass. Thus the present study clearly demonstrates that besides being an economic strength bamboo plant have shown encouraging results in the field of carbon sequestration potential. Also, the study has revealed the importance of agriculture in terms of carbon sequestration potential with the help of good management practices.


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How to Cite

Tariyal, K. (2014). Assessment of variation in carbon pool in Bamboo plantation and managed Agricultural system. Advances in BioScience, 5(4), 126–136. Retrieved from


