Isolation, Characterization and Purification of α-Galactosidase from Peas


  • Ajaykumar M. Take Department of Food Technology, S.P. College of Food Technology, Kharawate-Dahiwali, Dr. B.S.K.K.V, Dapoli 415606, India.
  • Shweta N. Mohite Department of Food Science and Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, 416011, India.


α-galactosidase, Dry peas, DEAE Cellulose column chromatography, SDS-PAGE, DNSA, Immobilization


In India, the peas are cultivated on a large scale. The α-galactosidase enzyme has principle applications in food industries and in the medical field. The α-galactosidase enzyme was purified from dry peas (Pisum sativum). The purification steps include acetone precipitation and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. The enzyme has maximum activity at 40°C and optimum pH=7.5. The molecular weight of the enzyme was determined by using SDS-PAGE analysis and found to be 110 kDa. The purified enzyme was immobilized by sodium alginate and it was observed that the immobilized enzyme showed an increase in thermal tolerance.


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How to Cite

Take, A. M., & Mohite, S. N. (2012). Isolation, Characterization and Purification of α-Galactosidase from Peas. Advances in BioScience, 3(3), 164–170. Retrieved from


