Attitude and Behavior towards Suicide: Role of Counseling as Prevention
Focus Group Discussion, Hanging, Self-destructive behavior, Suicide prevention, Self-inflicted injury, Pesticide poisoningAbstract
The study explored the attitude and behavior of general people towards suicide with particular focus on role of counseling for suicide prevention in Bangladesh. Seventeen national newspapers were reviewed to look at the extent of suicide in Bangladesh and opinion of 50 people from different age, sex and profession was collected through Focus Group Discussions and an individual questionnaire. The analysis of reported news revealed that women committed suicide 5.68 times higher than men did; married people committed suicide more than unmarried people did. The data also revealed that the number of suicide is highest at age range of 16 to 20 years and family conflict is the number one cause of suicide in Bangladesh. Hanging from the ceiling and poison are the most popular method for committing suicide. Focused group discussions revealed a common belief of suicide as a sin and considered not as a right decision. All the participants undoubtedly believed that counseling is helpful in preventing suicidal behavior. The result of personal questionnaire showed that 20% of the participants thought about ending their life in their lifetime.
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