Study of Ground Water Quality Analysis in Industrial Zone of Visakhapatnam


  • N. V. Srikanth Vuppala Basic Science Department, Aditya Engineering College, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh 533437, India.


Groundwater Quality, Physicochemical parameters, bore wells


The Physicochemical characteristics of the groundwater in Visakhapatnam city and its surrounding area are analysed. There is a wide variation in the quality of water from point, which is reflected by the related parameters. Hydrogeochemical studies were carried out in industrial area to assess the groundwater quality groundwater samples from 10 bore wells. Industries consume large quantities to water for their process and then discharge their effluents on to the adjoining areas without pretreatment. This leads to the deterioration of groundwater quality significantly besides impoverishing the environment.


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How to Cite

Vuppala, N. V. S. (2012). Study of Ground Water Quality Analysis in Industrial Zone of Visakhapatnam. Advances in BioScience, 3(3), 231–236. Retrieved from


