Antagonistic Effects of Lactobacilli on Gram-Negative Bacteria


  • R. Shanthya Department of Microbiology, Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore-28, India.
  • S. Saranya Department of Microbiology, Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore-28, India.
  • N. Hema Shenpagam Department of Microbiology, Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore-28, India.


Antagonism, Gram-negative bacteria, Lactic acid bacteria, Well diffusion method


Three lactobacilli strains were examined for the inhibitory activity against some gram-negative bacteria with a well diffusion method. Lactobacilli have strongest antagonistic activity against P. aeruginosa in well diffusion method; it was the least sensitive tested bacteria. In spite of E. coli is inhibited secondly in well diffusion method (16mm), the value of the inhibition is lower than spot on lawn method (26mm). These results showed that spot on lawn method is a better method than the well diffusion method.


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How to Cite

Shanthya, R., Saranya, S., & Shenpagam, N. H. (2011). Antagonistic Effects of Lactobacilli on Gram-Negative Bacteria. Advances in BioScience, 2(2), 70–72. Retrieved from


