Food, Fish and Diseases Transmitted to the Consumer
Food safety, Food pathogens, Fish-borne, AquacultureAbstract
Foodborne Diseases (FD) are currently considered a clear challenge for public health, mainly in developing countries, due to its incidence, mortality, sequelae, as well as for the detriment in the economic, productive and health sectors. Fish is considered one of the most widely produced, marketed and consumed foods around the world, and it is also a highly nutritious food, being a main source of protein, lipids, vitamins and minerals. However, it is also a food highly susceptible to deterioration and contamination by various agents of chemical or biological origin throughout the food chain (from the farm to the consumer's table), putting health at risk. The objective of this review document is to give the reader an overview of foodborne diseases, causative agents, control and prevention measures, including different regulations around the world focused on production, processing, consumption of fish and protection of public health.
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