Dose-dependent Pupicidal, Adulticidal and Ovicidal activities of leaf extracts of Tiliacora acuminata on Japanese encephalitis vector Culex vishnui group


  • Someshwar Singha Department of Zoology, Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya, Sripally, Burdwan-713103, West Bengal, India.


Tiliacora acuminate, Culex vishnui group, Pupicidal, Adulticidal, Ovicidal activity


Vector of Japanese encephalitis is Culex vishnui group of mosquito and control of that mosquito is facing threat due to emergence of resistance to synthetic insecticides. Insecticides of plant origin now act as suitable alternate for control of JE vector. To investigate dose-dependent pupicidal, adulticidal and ovicidal activities, crude and acetone extracts of leaf of Tiliacora acuminata were used against Cx. vishnui group of mosquito. In case of dose-dependent pupicidal activity, highest mortality observed at 1.5% concentration of crude extract and 75 ppm of acetone extract with 45.67% and 67.67% mortality respectively after 36 h of exposure followed by 24h and 12h. In case of adulticidal activity, highest mortality in crude extract was observed at 2.5% concentration with 73% of adult mosquitoes were dead, but in acetone extract at 120 ppm concentration shows nearly about 67% mortality of adult mosquitoes after 24 h of exposure. While in ovicidal activity at 0.5% crude extract have 11.67% egg hatching so nearly about 88.33% ovicidal activity takes place at this concentration. In acetone extract, there was nearly about 93.33% ovicidal activities at 55 ppm concentration. So leaf extracts of T. acuminata may be used as better pupicidal, adulticidal and ovicidal plant origin insecticide for control of Cx. vishnui group of mosquito. Further research is required to isolate and characterize the active principle of T. acuminata plant leaf extract.


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How to Cite

Singha, S. (2019). Dose-dependent Pupicidal, Adulticidal and Ovicidal activities of leaf extracts of Tiliacora acuminata on Japanese encephalitis vector Culex vishnui group. Advances in BioScience, 10(2), 35–40. Retrieved from


