Effect of Growth and Pigmentation on Acceptability of Different Feeds by Colisa lalia (Hamilton, 1822)


  • Manab Kumar Saha Aquaculture Research Unit, Department of Zoology, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore-721 102, West Bengal, India.
  • Bidhan C. Patra Aquaculture Research Unit, Department of Zoology, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore-721 102, West Bengal, India.


Indigenous Ornamental fish, carotenoids, fish feed, Colisa lalia, Specific growth rate


Bright colouration always attracts the people; it is also true in case of ornamental fish. The colour creates a natural eye catching environment to the visitors, Buyers and hobbyist. Now, it is well established that the colour of ornamental fish can modify by the feed. In case of fish, without dietary addition of carotenoids leads to dull colour resonance. Which leads to poor market demand and it's directly related to the profitability i.e. determine their market demand and price. In the present study, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of four different types of feed (Living Tubifex, Dried Tubifex, Dried Daphnia and commercial food) for Colisa lalia (Hamilton, 1822). Carotenoid content and specific growth rate (SGR) of the fish were analyzed after the treatment and Colisa lalia consume the live organisms more efficiently than the artificial feed. The Living Tubifex gave the best result for Colisa lalia to increasing the colouration and growth.


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How to Cite

Saha, M. K., & Patra, B. C. (2013). Effect of Growth and Pigmentation on Acceptability of Different Feeds by Colisa lalia (Hamilton, 1822). Advances in BioScience, 4(3), 96–99. Retrieved from https://journals.sospublication.co.in/ab/article/view/133


