Heavy Metal Analysis of Cauvery River Water around KRS Dam, Karnataka, India


  • J. Mahadev Department of Studies in Environmental Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore 570006, India.
  • Siamak Gholami Department of Studies in Environmental Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore 570006, India.


Cauvery River, KRS Dam, Water quality, Heavy metals


Water quality is an index of health and is one of the areas of major concern to environmentalists since industrialization, urbanization and modern agriculture practices have a direct impact on the water resources. Hence, the study of the reservoirs and river water quality monitoring is most essential aspect of sustainable development and river conservation. The upstream and KRS reservoir both are the important sources of potable water supply for the Mysore city. The study area were selected the upstream and KRS reservoir of Mysore District of Karnataka, India. In this paper, an attempt has been made to evaluate water quality parameter and heavy metal of upstream and KRS Dam during 2008. Ecological parameters like dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand and chemical parameters like total hardness, total alkalinity, chloride, nitrate, phosphate and physical parameters like temperature, pH, turbidity and heavy metals were analyzed and the results were compared with standard permissible limits, WHO and they were studied to ascertain the drinking water quality. Results revealed that in three rivers of upstream (Hemavathi, Cauvery, and Lakshmana Theertha) carried high loads of arsenic, iron, nickel on upstream. In other words, arsenic is a dominant risk to more than the maximum permissible standard of water quality and is a risk factor in this river.


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How to Cite

Mahadev, J., & Gholami, S. (2010). Heavy Metal Analysis of Cauvery River Water around KRS Dam, Karnataka, India. Advances in BioScience, 1(1), 10–14. Retrieved from https://journals.sospublication.co.in/ab/article/view/13


