Effects of Copper (Sulfate, Acetate and Nano) in ovo injection on Hatching Traits and some Physiological Parameters of Newly-hatched Broiler Chicks



Ovo injection, Cu sulfate, Cu acetate, Nano Cu, Hatching traits, Blood parameters


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different sources of copper (sulfate, acetate and nano) in ovo injection at 10 days of embryogenesis period on hatching traits and some physiological parameters of newly-hatched broiler chicks. A total number of 462 fertile eggs were used (with an average weight of 66.24 ± 0.23g in 7 groups, each group containing 66 fertile eggs in three replicate. The experimental design was as follows the group 1 as control, while the groups 2, 3 and 4 injected with 0.1ml deionized water containing 8μg/egg of Cu sulfate, Cu acetate and nano Cu, respectively, and the groups 5, 6 and 7 injected with 0.1ml deionized water containing 16μg/egg of Cu sulfate, Cu acetate and nano Cu, respectively. After hatching eight one-day chicks around the average of each group were used in this study and the results as follows, different sources of Cu in ovo injection at 10 days of incubation by two levels (8 and 16μg/egg) did not affect hatching traits except elevation  chick weight and chick weight %, did not affect yolk sac %, relative weight of organs (liver, gizzard, heart and bursa) of newly hatched chicks, did not affect hematological parameters and some plasma constituents, levels of 16µg/egg Cu led to increasing plasma Alb compared to the levels of 8µg/egg Cu and control, Cu sources at 8 or 16µg/egg decreased the values of AST enzyme.

From the results of this study, it can be concluded that using Cu sources in ovo injection at 10 days of incubation up to the level of 16μg/egg, did not cause harmful effect but caused best results in chick weight and chick weight %.


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How to Cite

Arafat, A. R., Hassan, H. A., Farroh, K. Y., Elnesr, S. S., EL-wardany, I., & Bahnas, M. S. (2019). Effects of Copper (Sulfate, Acetate and Nano) in ovo injection on Hatching Traits and some Physiological Parameters of Newly-hatched Broiler Chicks. Advances in BioScience, 10(3), 65–72. Retrieved from https://journals.sospublication.co.in/ab/article/view/268


